Connie Motoki
- Phone: 314-747-5272
- Email: motokic@nospam.wustl.edu
Connie is a Grants Manager in the Office of Sponsored Research Services. She has been at Washington University since 2004. Connie started in Research Grants on Danforth Campus, and was promoted to Contracts in 2005 where she became the Senior Contracts Manager. Connie was the OSRS lead on the outgoing subaward system project in 2012, known as the SUBSystem. In 2015 she transferred to OSRS Grants. She has experience with FDP terms and conditions and regularly participates in FDP national working groups related to subcontracting. She is an active member of NCURA and has taught federal contracting workshops, presented topical sessions and led discussion groups at both the regional and national meetings. Her husband Greg owns Tower Music in Fenton and she often meets people at WUSTL that play a musical instrument and know Greg. Connie has a BA in History from Beloit College and an Associate Degree in Business Administration and Accounting from Northwestern Business College. Connie loves to combine her favorite activities of reading, sunshine and traveling. When she is in St. Louis and not working, she enjoys quilting and Cardinal baseball.