Below is a comprehensive list of all STAR classes and credit hours. To register for available classes, see the Training & Events page.
The STAR Onboarding Course course strives to provide research administrators with an overview of the research lifecycle and highlight key concepts within research administration.
After completing this online/on-demand course, you should be able to:
- Identify key elements of a Funding Opportunity, and understand how they impact the proposal development process
- Understand key components used to create a preliminary budget, calculate overhead costs and identify allowable expenses
- Understand the required approvals and components of a proposal
- Understand project management and reporting requirements
- Understand research project close out requirements
The course consists of five online modules as well as a comprehensive test that must be passed to earn credit. Total estimated time of completion for all five modules: 99 minutes.
Credit hours: 1
This course provides the learner with an overview of key costing principles and policies that apply to the financial administration of sponsored funds.
Credit hours: 3
This course provides the learner with an overview of policies, procedures and best practices for post award management of sponsored funds.
Credit hours: 3
This course consists of both on-demand and live segments and provides the learner with an overview of the effort lifecycle, NIH Salary Cap, Paid Leaves of Absence, and other payroll considerations on sponsored funds.
Credit hours: 1.5 (live), 1.5 (on-demand)
The objective of this course is to provide the learner with an overview of the audit process and the role of an auditor. This course provides the participant with examples of internal controls implemented by various departments.
Credit hours: 1
This course builds on the proposal preparation elements covered within the on-boarding module and provides the learner strategies for reviewing funding opportunity guidelines and preparing a proposal. Participants will have the opportunity to break into small groups and work through a proposal preparation scenario.
Credit hours: 3
The objective of this course is to provide the learner with an overview of JROC office and the contracts and agreement types they handle.
Credit hours: 3
The objective of this course is to provide the learner with an understanding of outgoing subaward administration from both the pre-award and post-award perspective.
After completing this course, attendees should:
- Understand what information is required from the subawardee at the pre-award stage
- Understand the Uniform Guidance Risk assessment process at Washington University
- Understand the documents required by OSRS for issuing an outgoing subaward
- Understand invoice review requirements and other monitoring requirements
Credit hours: 1.5 (live), 1.5 (on-demand)
This course is designed to provide an overview of the Washington University travel policy including domestic and foreign travel considerations; travel advances, reimbursement and reports; as well as guidance for travel on sponsored funds. Participants will have the opportunity to work through hands-on travel-related exercises.
Credit hours: 2
Technology transfer encompasses the movement of materials between entities, capturing and protecting the intellectual property of the university, and supporting technology commercialization through industry partnerships and startup creation. This session will share the important information that will help you better understand and navigate technology transfer.
Credit hours: 1
This class provides the learner with an overview of cost sharing for sponsored projects. Participants should have access to and be familiar with the RMS system. The class includes hands-on exercises and opportunities to work one-on-one with instructors
After completing this course, attendees should:
• Understand valid cost sharing expenses
• Understand general principles, and types of cost sharing
• Become familiar with approving and monitoring commitments
• Recognize budget concerns
• Understand cost sharing within RMS
Credit hours: 1.5
This course provides the learner with an overview of U.S. Export Control regulations and how they intersect with University activities.
Credit hours: 1
Hot topics will cover a variety of issues relevant to the research administration community.
Credit hours: 1
Join representatives from Research Development and the Medical and Danforth Corporate and Foundation Relations teams to learn about tips for helping your PIs find opportunities, listservs of interest, contacts, and more.
Credit hours: 1
This course provides the learner with an in-depth overview on how to complete OSRS forms. Instructors will review key data elements on the forms and provide guidance on how to avoid common pitfalls, which can cause unnecessary delays.
Credit hours: 1
The objective of this course is to provide the learner with insights on how to manage international and high-risk subawards from the department administrator perspective.
Credit hours: 1.5
This class will cover the 5 standard reports that help with managing sponsored funds:(PI Submission Ratio by Status, Workload Report Detail, Not Funded by Sponsor – Rejected by Sponsor, Notice of Award Report, and Combined Budget by Project Year). Strategies will be provided on how to modify reports to meet your needs. As a prerequisite, students must have access to and familiarity with Cognos and RMS. Students should possess the basic skills needed to run reports in Cognos, and be prepared to work in RMS during class.
Credit hours: 2
This class will cover the standard reports that help with the post-award reporting process. Strategies will be provided on how to modify reports to meet your needs. NOTE: Students must have access to and familiarity with Cognos and RMS. Students should possess the basic skills needed to run reports in Cognos, and be prepared to work in RMS during class.
Credit hours: 2
This course will provide the learner with an overview of the proposal preparation process for applications being submitted to the National Science Foundation (NSF). The course asks participants to work through and NSF funding opportunity.
Credit hours: 3
This course is intended for new Research Administrators and will provide an overview of the proposal preparation process for applications to be submitted to the National Institutes of Health.
Credit hours: 2
This course strives to provide the learner with strategies for balancing the numerous oversight tasks required for post-award administration.
Credit hours: 2
This course will provide the learner with an overview of the proposal preparation process for applications being submitted to the Department of Defense (DOD). The course requires participants to work through a DOD funding opportunity.
Credit hours: 2
This course will provide the learner with an overview of the proposal preparation process for applications being submitted to the Department of Energy (DOE). The course requires participants to work through a DOE funding opportunity.
Credit hours: 2
This course will provide the learner with an overview of the proposal preparation and award management processes for applications being submitted to non-federal sponsors. The course asks participants to work through a funding opportunity.
Credit hours: 2
This self-paced course is available on-demand and will provide the learner with an overview of the proposal preparation and award management processes for applications being submitted to non-federal sponsors. The original session instructors: Melissa O’Sullivan, Liz Valli-Hall, Angela Schultz.
Credit hours: 1.5
This course will provide an overview on how to prepare an other support/current & pending support document. Attendees will learn about new reports available within cognos and complete in class exercises.
Credit hours: 1.5
The objective of this course is to provide the learner with an overview of training grant administration from both the pre-award and post-award perspective.
Credit hours: 4
The objective of this course is to provide the learner with an overview and understanding of recharge centers, the operating units that provide products and services for a fee, primarily to other WashU departments. Recharge centers recover their costs through charges to benefiting users. In some cases, these services/products may also be offered to external (non-WashU) customers.
Credit hours: 3
After completing this course, attendees should comprehend the basic appointment and termination function of the x‐TRAIN system, and understand training grant post‐award management requirements.
Credit hours: 2
The goal of this course is provide the attendee with “hands-on” experience with entering data tables in xTRACT for NIH training grants.
Credit hours: 2