Iris Dickhoff-Peper

Iris Dickhoff-Peper


Iris Dickhoff-Peper has been at Washington University since 2004 and is the Assistant Vice Chancellor Research Administration under the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research (OVCR). In April of 2017, she helped to launch the Specialized Training for Administrators of Research program (STAR). This new certificate program provides training opportunities for individuals within research administration. Prior to joining the OVCR, Iris worked for Sponsored Projects Accounting and for the Department of Physics. She has served on numerous university committees such the Uniform Guidance Implementation Task Force and the American Recovery, Reinvestment Act (ARRA) reporting initiative, Research Reporting Initiative and the proposal submission system replacement project. Iris is a graduate from Washington University and has passed both the Certified Research Administrator (CRA) and a Certified Financial Research Administrator (CFRA) examinations.